of Maine
Welcome to the
Rockport Garden Club
of Maine

The Rockport Garden Club of Maine is committed to the beautification of Rockport, planting and maintaining many historical and community sites that complement Rockport Village, West Rockport and the incomparable Rockport Harbor. The Spring Plant Sale and the Holly Berry Fair are the club’s primary fundraisers, which support the beautification of Rockport and our club's scholarship program. For more information about the Rockport Garden Club of Maine, and its many civic and social activities, please contact, Info@rockportgardenclubmaine.org.
Rockport Garden Club meets on the first Thursday of every month, from April through December, in the lower level of the West Rockport Baptist Church, 545 Park Street.
Garden talks, presented by local experts, are frequently part of our meetings. All are welcome.
Information about our meetings and events can also be found in the local newspapers as well as on Facebook and Instagram.
(Rockport Garden Club of Maine)
Please contact: Info@rockportgardenclubmaine.org or come to a meeting if you are interested in joining or knowing more about the club.
The Beautification of Rockport
The essence of the word “to beautify” is an oversimplification when it comes to the heart of a gardener. When a group of gardeners are gathered to plant and grow, they change the terrain of their community. As a body of men and women who strive to nurture the earth and create color, scale and proportion from the gifts of mother nature, not tame but co-habit with grace, that is beautification. Our hands-on work in the dirt is dedicated to Rockport, Maine, where mother nature left one of her most beautiful hand prints.

Garden Club Scholarships are awarded for the pursuit of horticultural or environmental related degrees. They are awarded to CHRHS graduating seniors. The scholarship committee reviews all applications and makes the decision as to which applicant(s) receive an award and the dollar amount of that award.
The Rockport Garden Club cultivates and encourages the art of gardening together through the beautification of the Rockport community. In addition to a love of gardening, the club offers scholarships for high school students, who are interested in studying horticulture. Our major fundraisers include the Annual Plant Sale, held in June, and the Holly Berry Fair, held in December.
Rockport Garden Club meets on the first Thursday of every month, April through December in the lower level of the West Rockport Baptist Church, 545 Park Street. We welcome you to come to a meeting and consider joining our varied and interesting group of gardeners, who enjoy spending time together socially as well as working together on civic projects and fundraisers. Garden related talks, presented by local experts, are frequently part of our meetings.
Information about our meetings and events can be found in the local newspapers as well as Face Book and Instagram.
(Rockport Garden Club of Maine)
If you are interested in more information about the Rockport Garden Club, you can contact us by filling out the form on the Membership page or email Info@rockportgardenclubmaine.org.
Rockport Garden Club of Maine Rockportgardenclubmaine@gmail.com